Welcome to Tomas Music
Consultants Pte Ltd
Since 1994, Tomas Music Consultants Pte Ltd aims to promote and enrich the Singaporean and regional music scene by organizing International Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses and Seminars.
We also provide consultation for performances, workshops and seminars.
Fundamental Guitar Class
Fundamental Guitar (approx. 12 lessons or 3 months)
In the Fundamental Guitar Class, students will learn notation reading, basic guitar techniques, and simple chord strumming to your favorite songs. This is probably the most important as it sets the foundation to understanding the guitar before progressing into higher levels. Instructors and students will set the pace together to ensure that the progress is optimal.
Topics covered:
Notations - first position ie at least two octaves over the fingerboard
Chords - basic of major, minor and 7th chords
Repertoire - music of today such as Ed Sheeren (eg Perfect), Shakira (eg Try Everything), Bruno Mars (eg Count On Me), Alan Walker (eg. Faded)