Welcome to Tomas Music
Consultants Pte Ltd


Since 1994, Tomas Music Consultants Pte Ltd aims to promote and enrich the Singaporean and regional music scene by organizing International Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses and Seminars.

We also provide consultation for performances, workshops and seminars.

5th International Guitar Festival 2005 (Singapore)

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Artistes invited for 5th International Guitar Festival 2005 (Singapore)

1. Oscar Herrero (Spain)

2. Stefano Cardi (Italy)

3. Susan & Martin Weinert (Germany)

4. Fabio Zanon with special guest Betina Maag Santos (Brazil)

5. Roland Dyens (France)

6. Micahel Macmeeken

7. Rick Smith (USA)

8. Miro Simic (Sweden)

9. Larry Francis (Singapore)

10. NTU Guitar Ensemble (Singapore)

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